The XXth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABS) will be held at Leipzig University, Germany, from August 10th to 15th, 2025. View the conference page for more information.

The XXth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABS) will be held at Leipzig University, Germany, from August 10th to 15th, 2025. View the conference page for more information.
Dear IABS members, We hope that all are doing well in this extraordinary time. Thanks to your warm support, the 19th IABS conference was finally held on August 15th-19th at Seoul National University in South Korea. We write to you […]
To the Members of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Dear Members of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Almost one entire year has passed since you received my letter announcing the postponement of the XIXth Conference of the IABS, […]
To the Members of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Re.: Postponement of the XIXth Conference of the IABS March 31, 2020 Dear Members of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, In these probing times and with the original date […]
Re: the XIXth Conference of the IABS in the light of the current health situation in South Korea
We are pleased to announce the provision of 15 student travel bursaries to (co-)finance attendance at the 19th IABS Congress.
The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) invites applications in the 2018-19 competition year of The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies. In cooperation with the Foundation, ACLS offers an integrated set of fellowship and grant […]
Alexander William Macdonald passed away in France, his ‘terre d’élection,’ on February the 5th, 2018. His unusual personality and scholarly career are narrated in what he called ‘my own rnam thar‘ part of which has been published1. Born in Scotland, […]
Professor Jacques May, aged 90, passed away on 21 March 2018 in his apartment in Lausanne. He died of old age, which he regarded as a long illness.
Volume 40 of JIABS Journal has now been published and the PDF copy can be downloaded on the Peeters Publishing website.